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facial peels

Facials and Peels

Laser Smooth offers ASAP Facials and Peels to target a variety of concerns such as anti-ageing, hydration. pigmentation or acne. These treatments are lush, beneficial and relaxing.

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Pre and Post Care

Treatment Plan

Different peels will be recommended depending on your individual beauty needs. A general recommendation is to have a series of six peels spaced one month apart. This timing depends solely on the outcome you are trying to achieve and needs to be in consultation with your therapist.



No gym, swimming on sun baking on day of treatment.


Post-Care - Lactic Peel

In the 8 hours following the peel: 

  • Do not wash or wet face 

  • Do not apply additional product 

  • If excessive redness or irritation is felt during the 8 hours following the peel application, rinse skin thoroughly with water. 

In the three days following treatment: 

  • Apply asap moisturising daily defence SPF50+ and avoid sun exposure 

  • Moisturise the skin as often as required 

  • Do not exfoliate 

  • Do not use products with exfoliating properties including:
    asap daily exfoliating facial scrub, asap radiance serum, asap super C complex, asap super A+ serum. 

  • Peeling, if it occurs, generally begins around the mouth area and is usually complete in 3 to 5 days. Moisturise flaking or peeling skin, as required 

  • Do not pick or pull at any loosening or exfoliating skin. This could damage or cause pigmentation problems to your skin 

  • Ongoing, long term use of asap skin products following peel treatments will help to prolong the results achieved.


Post-Care - Glycolic Peel

Normal activities, other than swimming and vigorous physical activity, may be resumed following an asap glycolic peel. 

Recommend asap soothing gel to assist in calming any redness in the first 24 hours. 


In the three days following peel: 

  • Apply asap moisturising daily defence SPF50+ and avoid sun exposure 

  • Moisturise the skin as often as required 

  • Do not exfoliate 

  • Do not use products with exfoliating properties including: asap daily exfoliating facial scrub, asap radiance serum, asap super C complex, asap super A+ serum.
    After three days: 

  • Resume normal use of asap skin products to maintain and help prolong the results achieved. 


Post-Care - Reveal Peel

In the 8 hours following the peel: 

  • Do not wash or wet face 

  • Do not apply additional product 

  • If excessive redness or irritation is felt during the 8 hours following the peel application, rinse skin thoroughly with water. 

In the three days following treatment: 

  • Apply asap moisturising daily defence SPF50+ and avoid sun exposure 

  • Moisturise the skin as often as required 

  • Do not exfoliate 

  • Do not use products with exfoliating properties including: asap daily exfoliating facial scrub, asap radiance serum, asap super C complex, asap super A+ serum. 

  • Peeling, if it occurs, generally begins around the mouth area and is usually complete in 3 to 5 days. Moisturise flaking or peeling skin, as required 

  • Do not pick or pull at any loosening or exfoliating skin. This could result in damage or cause pigmentation problems to your skin 

  • Ongoing, long term use of asap skin products following a peel will help to prolong the results. 


Post-Care - Peel Boost

In the 8 hours following the peel: 

  • Do not wash your face 

  • No gym, swimming or sunbaking on the day of peel 

  • Do not apply additional product 

  • If excessive redness or irritation is felt during the 8 hours following the peel application, rinse skin thoroughly with water

In the three days following treatment: 

  • Use moisturising daily defence SPF50+ and avoid sun exposure 

  • Use soothing gel to calm any irritation 

  • Do not use daily exfoliating facial scrub, radiance serum, clear complexion gel, super C serum, super A+ serum or other active skin products

  • Peeling, if it occurs, generally begins around the mouth area and is usually complete in 3 to 5 days. Moisturise flaking or peeling skin, as required

  • Do not pick or pull at flaking skin

  • Use of asap skin products following peel treatments will help prolong the results achieved.  


Is there any downtime?

No, our products do not cause redness. You will be able to return to work/go out in public immediately. However, sunscreen is essential after treatment to protect you.


What brand products do you use?

We use quality Australian made ASAP products.



What is a chemical peel?

It is for enhancing the appearance of the skin. It is treated with a chemical solution that causes it to exfoliate and peel off. The new regenerated skin, is smoother, more refined and  less wrinkled than the old skin. 

What peels and facials do you offer?

We offer many individualised mini and deluxe facials and peels. The three peels we offer are lactic, glycolic and a reveal peel. You can even combine your peels with a microdermabrasion treatment.

What kind of results can I expect?

You should see immediate improvements in the overall vitality of your skin. You will see improvements in brightness and tone. Over time you will fine lines,  wrinkles, pigmentation, skin texture and acne all improve along with a reduction in redness.

Will I get blisters?

No, our peels are superficial and medium depth peels and generally only small eraser like peeling occurs.​

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